Proper citations take time, give yourself lots of time to do them. For further guidance check out the Macalester Library's Citation Guide.
Using a system for keeping track of the references you discover, even the ones you do not end up using for your project, can save you time when organizing your ideas, writing your paper, adding textual references, and creating a bibliography. Keeping track of where ideas and facts came from can also help you avoid unintentionally not citing a source.
Online citation management tools can be a good way to organize your references. Here are three:
RefWorks is a tool for storing and sharing your research materials, and citing them in commonly-used citation styles. To use this subscription-only citation tool you will need to create a login while you are on campus.
Zotero is an easy to use application for organizing your research materials, sharing them with collaborators, and citing them in a wide range of citation styles. It's simple to set up and begin using, and it's free! Check out their Quick Start guide to get going.
Mendeley allows you to store and organize your research materials, share them with others, and annotate documents. It is free to use.