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Getting Started with Library Research at Mac

Start here to learn the basics of doing library research at Macalester.


Learn more about citation help, resources on campus available to you, and academic integrity issues.

Data Research & Management

If you are using a data for your project check out our series of data modules for help with organizing, finding, and utilizing research data.

Help Around Campus


Media Production




There are many citation styles. Find out if your professor requires a specific one. Our citation guide has information about the most common styles and links for more information about them. Automatic citation generators are useful but often contain errors. If you use one make sure to proofread your citations. 

Academic Integrity

Below are a set of research guides about a variety academic integrity issues. They are meant to help you in the creation of your original research and other projects at Macalester. They give guidance on ways to properly credit the work of others and avoid issues of plagiarism.