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Media and Cultural Studies

A guide to print and online resources available through the DeWitt Wallace Library for media studies, cultural studies, and the intersection between media and cultural studies.

Finding Books

Thumbnail: Magnifying glass iconWhy use books as research resources? Books can be a great introduction to a topic as their length allows them to go more in-depth and provide more context on a subject in a broader way than an article might. Edited volumes of books are also great because they can serve as one single resource that contains a curated collection of writings on one topic.

 Interested in utilizing books for your research? A nice tip to help get you started might be to browse the shelf. The Library of Congress call number system is organized so that books on similar topics are shelved near each other, so if you find a book you think would be helpful, the ones near it might also be good resources for you. Here are some call number sections to get you started:

  • For film resources, try PN1993-1999
  • For broadcast media resources, try PN1990-1992.92
  • For critical theory resources, try PN80-99
  • For journalism resources, try PN4699-5650

Searching for books using our online catalog? You can still see nearby books–just use our Browse the Shelf feature. It can be found underneath the "Item Description" bar in the item record and shows which books would be next to that book on the actual shelf. Check it out! Use the search box below to start searching for both physical and electronic books.

eBook Resources

Thumbnail: Book icon

The library has recently gained access to a number of different eBook providers, each with a wide variety of resources available to use. If you know there's a book you need for your research, but now aren't able to get it physically, there are great places to look for electronic access. For more information on the electronic resources available to you, you can turn to our Electronic Resources & Remote Learning.

Selected Online Reference Books

Online Subject Reference Books

Check out these links for a topic overviews in subject-specific reference sources that are available to you online.

Dictionaries and Encyclopedias