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Classical Mediterranean and Middle East

Selected resources for research in the Classical Mediterranean and Middle East.

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Good starting points for your research

Index Islamicus

Indexes worldwide literature in European languages on Islam, the Middle East and the Muslim world. Covers Muslim life including history, beliefs, societies, cultures, languages and literatures. Includes journals, conference proceedings, monographs and book reviews. Journals and books indexed o the article and chapter level.

Art Full Text

The main database for research in art and art history. Includes both popular and academic titles.

Annee Philologique

A comprehensive index to scholarly work in in the Greek and Roman areas of Classical Studies, as well as on ancient Greek and Latin linguistics and language. Concerns the time period from the second millennium B.C. to roughly 500-800 A.D. Includes coverage of research collections and conferences.

Historical Abstracts with Full Text

Index to journal articles in history, especially non-US history, covering 1450-present.

Bibliography of Asian Studies (BAS)

Indexes Western language literature including books, chapters from books, periodical articles and pamphlets on Asian studies.

Perseus Digital Library

Digital library of source materials for the study of the ancient world and beyond from the Tufts University Department of Classics.

Sources for Images

The most used image collections for general research in art history

Other image collections for more specialized work

Reference Resources for Art & Art HIstory

Subject encyclopedias can be great tools for getting background information at a broad level in a new focus area. Entries are usually signed by the author (who is often a scholar in the field) and often include a bibliography which can take you to additional, more focused resources. 

magnifying glassPRO TIP: Use fewer and broader terms when searching in subject encyclopedias for best results, such as Greek Red Figure. 

Citation in Art History

The Chicago Manual of Style, 17th Edition

The most commonly used citation style in historical scholarship, including art history, is Chicago, notes and bibliography. Check out our Citation Guide for more info on Chicago Manual of Style and other citation styles including Modern Language Association (MLA). For help with citing primary sources, see this resource from the Library of Congress, and this resource from Macalester's Visual Resources Library for help citing images, 

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