Indexes journals, books, conference papers, government documents and research reports in the area of family studies.
Contains publication in the area of health and medicine research. Includes MedLine which records are indexed with NLM's controlled vocabulary, the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH®). Links to full-text online holdings are listed where the citations match Macalester Library e-journal resources.
A search engine for academic web resources - includes journals, institutional repositories, digital collections etc. Many open access resources.
Search across a wide range of scholarly literature from around the world. This custom link for Google Scholar includes the Macalester Library code and will display a "MACLINKS FULL TEXT" link next to resources available from Macalester Library. You will also see MACLINKS if you are logged in to the on-campus network. If you are off campus and don't use the above custom link, you can configure Google Scholar to display MACLINKS by customizing your library links settings.
Large collection of scholarly journals and books from all disciplines, with stronger coverage for the humanities and social sciences. Current issues from journals (the most recent 3-5 years) are generally not available in JSTOR.
Indexes information covering disciplines in the sciences, arts and humanities, and social sciences. Includes six citation databases: the Science Citation Index, the Social Sciences Citation Index, the Arts & Humanities Citation Index, the Book Citation Index, Current Chemical Reactions, and Index Chemicus.