Focus OnlineThe third largest weekly news magazine in Germany; recent content only with subscription, the archive offers full-text for free, starting with 1993.
Frankfurter Allgemeine ZeitungFAZ is a leading national newspaper; searching theindex of the archive from 1993 to present is free; access to full-text is fee-based; the FAZ archive has two parts: F.A.Z. 49-92, and F.A.Z.-BiblioNet (1993 ff.).
Frankfurter RundschauIt is the largest newspaper in the Rhein- Main area, searching the index is free, access to full-text is fee-based.
GENIOS PresseIt offers a search across 180 newspapers from 1983 to the present, some free content; access to some full-text is fee-based.
Der Spiegel(news journal) a weekly political jpurnal; recent content is only available with a subscription, next link, the Spiegel Archiv 1947-offers free full-text.
Spiegel Archiv 1947The Spiegel Archiv 1947-offers free full-text versions of articles in Der Spiegel.
Süddeutsche ZeitungFounded in 1945, is the largest national daily. “today’s issue” is freely available; but the next day that content is only available for a fee or with subscription.
Der Stern(news journal) largest popular weekly journal on politics, culture and science; offers mostly preview of articles
Die Tageszeitung tazFounded in 1979; archive offers free plain text starting with 1986
Die WeltIt was founded in 1946, searching the index to the archive is free , selected free content starts with 1995, the advances search allows
Die Zeit Print Archiv (1946-)It offers free full-text, but the archive does not contain everything that is in the print edition
DDR PressePart of ZEFYS (see below). Open access to three major East German papers -- Neues Deutschland, Berliner Zeitung, Neue Zeit (registration is required)
EuropeanaIncludes some full-text newspaper collections
Zeitgeschichtliches ArchivZeitgeschichtliches Archiv of interest, in particular, for the period immediately after World War II. Indexes 9 million newspaper clippings. The search is free but there is a fee for obtaining copies of the documents.
Deutsche Digitale BibliothekThe DDB aims "to bring together and network digital content from all of Germany’s cultural and scientific institutions." Feeds into Europeana.
EuropeanaThis site allows you to search across the digital archives and holdings of many significant European galleries, archives, libraries, and museums, including Judaica Europeana, Bodleian Libraries, EuroPhoto, the Natural Europe Project, and Museo Galileo.