Looking for an Article? Be sure to use the orange MacLinks button in our library databases, or if using Worldcat Discovery, click on the orange Request Item Through Interlibrary Loan button.
You will be prompted to log in to your iLLiad account using your Macalester username and password
The system will automatically populate the ILL form for you based on the information of the item's record. The more information filled out, the better, so do take a moment to fill in any blanks. When you are finished, click "Submit Request"
If you are unable to find a journal article in our databases or WorldCat Discovery, you can fill out a blank article or chapter request form with the complete citation information you found elsewhere.
(Please note that because of copyright limits, only one chapter per book or one article per journal volume/issue can be requested. If you are interested in learning more about copyright considerations, we recommend looking through the Copyright and Intellectual Property at Macalester.)
Manually Creating a Request Form for an Article or Chapter Scan:
Electronic articles and book chapters will be delivered directly to your ILLiad account. You will receive an email letting you know that you have an article/chapter scan in your iLLiad account.
If you accidentally delete your article, contact Connie Karlen at ckarlen@macalester.edu