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A guide for where to get help with GIS and how to get started.

Guide Introduction

This guide contains resources for getting started with mapping and GIS (Geographic Information Systems). It includes information about where to ask for help on campus as well as resources regarding tutorials and software available to use.

Learn GIS

GIS Software

Web Mapping

Getting Help on Campus

Digital Resource Center: Students and staff in the Digital Resource Center can help answer your questions related to web mapping. They can also assist with pointing people to additional help related to mapping and GIS depending on the needs of the question. They are located in the center of the 1st floor of Neill Hall. They can be reached by dropping by or by calling 651-696-6336.

LibraryThe library is a good place to start for assistance with identifying, finding, and accessing data appropriate to your GIS projects. They will also assist with any questions you have that are about your research process. They can point you to where to find additional help depending on the needs of the question. Contact the library by dropping by, calling the service desk (651-696-6346), or using one of the forms on our AskUs page

GIS Lab: The GIS Lab is the place on campus dedicated for teaching and work related to GIS courses within the Geography department. Student staff are available for providing assistance. For people working on projects outside the context of a Geography course it is recommend to start with either the Digital Resource Center or the Library.